Exchange Service to pass Youtube 4000Hours (Free)

Hello , in this blog I will show you a free exchange service to pass Youtube 4000Hours past 365 days ( the minimum requierement to getting adsense approval for your Youtube Channel with the 1000subs requirement). The website is , It is a service designed by Turkish Coders which people around the World uses it to exchange Youtube View Hours , Website Surfs with refference or direct traffic...The exchange bot first opens and at the main page , searches for your video. And then finds your video at the search section . And then watches the video at the amount of seconds you required. When you download the program , you just dont need to do anything , it works for you...Also you can earn money by completing theese actions and getting daily login bonusses.When you have any questions, you can contact support team from whatsapp and website's support service any time you have any problems.You can join the Hazarhit's Telegram group to see any updates and problems shared from other users from Hazarhit...

In order to get best quality of website or youtube traffic from Hazarhit, you need to use Turkish IP filters only.This means that only Turkish IP adresses will be sent to your traffic requests.If you use any other Country IP adresses than Turkey, it is possible to make theese hits youtube to count it as "Spam". This is because of the foreign IP's out of Turkey are Server IP 's who people want to gain more points by renting servers and installing Hazarhit to theese servers. And theese servers are provided from Europe and USA. But Youtube realises the Server IP's as BOT  Ip adresses and discount that view / hits from that IP adresses. But theese Ip adresses can work to normal website traffic requests than youtube requests.But the Turkish IP's would be totally Organic hits from houses in Turkey ( about %10 of theese Ip adresses can be from Turkey Provided Servers).

If your channel is monetized , dont expect a good ad revenue from Hazarhit.Because Turkish Organic IP's at Youtube has a CPM Rate of 1.00 to 1.20 USD. You will earn low amount of revenue with respect to USA Traffic CPM Rates at Youtube. But every view count from Hazarhit to your Youtube Video will make your video to came more up at searches and recommended videos , that will gonna make you earn more Revenue and hits time after time.You can support your video's level by sending other services Like ,Subscribe , Comments. Every action will level up your video. And let more and more people to see and click your videos. Hazarhit does not have like sub comment etc... services but you can do it with Hazarhit's co website, Hazarmedya. (Also you can share your short link earning money links to Hazarmedya and get more revenue from shorten link earn money websites).You can make your videos to came up more level with selecting "Send hits every hour" than "Send hits as soon as possible" which gonna make youtube to understand that views are totally organic.So Youtube will see stats as regular organic hits , views...

Website Link : , you can refer your friends to earn daily more bonuses from the website.And for Hazarhit , there can be support for English language support for International Users . There are lots of users who passed 4000hours for youtube by the help of Hazarhit. 


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